In addition to being regulated by law, corporate policies are our way of demonstrating our commitment to worker health and safety, the environment and social issues. We are proud to have obtained the following certifications.


Piove di Sacco, 14/03/2018CEO Regina Bertipaglia

The management of Nastrificio Victor S.p.A. has implemented an Environmental Management System that applies to all business activities. The objective of the EMS is to fulfil the requirements of the UNI-EN ISO 14001 standard.

As part of this initiative, the company strives to involve its personnel in a process of continual improvement. The company promotes actions designed to ensure that its products and processing methods present no significant environmental hazards. As such, the company has made available organizational and economic resources and tools with the objective of continually improving its environmental performance.

Management seeks to make controlling the environmental impacts and aspects of all existing and future company activities an important part of its business, striving to minimize negative environmental impacts whenever technically possible and economically sustainable.

Therefore, in pursuance of this policy, management is committed to ensuring the following:

  • Business activities are conducted in conformity with the provisions of current laws;
  • An effective Environmental Management System in accordance with the requirements of the UNI EN ISO 14001 standard is implemented and maintained;
  • Every organizational, operational and technological effort is made to prevent water, air and soil pollution;
  • Energy, water and raw materials consumption and waste production are minimized, favouring recovery/recycling whenever possible;
  • Environmental objectives and goals are defined and integrated with the operational management of the facilities and the business development programmes;
  • The present environmental policy and associated management system are understood, implemented and maintained at all levels of the company and the management system is supported through periodic and systematic monitoring and training activities;
  • This document is made available to the public.

Safety Policy

Piove di Sacco, 02/07/2020CEO Regina Bertipaglia

The management of Nastrificio Victor S.p.A has implemented an Occupational Health and Safety Management System that is in accordance with the UNI ISO 45001 standard and applies to all business activities. The objective of the UNI ISO is the fulfilment of the requirements of the standard. As part of this initiative, the company strives to involve its personnel in a process of continual improvement. The company promotes actions designed to ensure that its products and processing methods present no significant occupational health and safety hazards to its human resources. As such, the company has made available organizational and economic resources and tools with the objective of improving the health and safety of workers and visitors in the workplace. Management seeks to make controlling the safety aspects of all existing and future company activities an important part of its business.

Therefore, in pursuance of this policy, management is committed to ensuring the following:

  • All business activities are conducted in conformity with laws, regulations, directives (national and European), and company policies, including all requirements specified in agreements with stakeholders;
  • All personnel receive information on potential hazards at the company and the specific responsibilities of the individual worker are taken into consideration in training activities and training updates;
  • The worker safety representative assists in ensuring that workers receive consulting on occupational health and safety matters;
  • All workers receive training and information on how to perform their responsibilities safely;
  • According to their responsibilities and skills, the different areas of the corporate structure participate in achieving their assigned safety objectives;
  • The design of the machinery, equipment and systems, work environments, operating methods and organizational aspects is intended to protect the health of workers, visitors and the community in which Nastrificio Victor S.p.A. operates;
  • Any needs that arise in the course of work activities are managed rapidly and effectively;
  • Cooperation among the various company resources and collaboration with business organizations and competent external bodies is promoted;
  • Health and safety preventive actions are promoted to significantly reduce the possibility of accidents and injuries;
  • Methodologies, interventions and modifications that aim to reduce injuries, occupational health problems and associated indices are implemented;
  • The policies, objectives and occupational health and safety management system are periodically reviewed to verify and ensure their consistency, adequacy and appropriateness with respect to the company, as well as the efficacy of their performance, enabling the reformulation of the objectives relating to continuous improvement;
  • Management and monitoring procedures to safeguard the health and safety of workers are introduced and updated, as are procedures to follow in the event of nonconformities, anomalies or emergencies;
  • The present safety document is provided to all workers and made available to all stakeholders and the general public, including via internet;
  • Contractors and suppliers are made aware of safety issues and are requested to respect the policies, laws and safety commitments adopted by the company;
  • Adequate internal and external communication channels are opened, particularly with public authorities.

Social responsibilitypolicy

Piove di Sacco, 30/01/2015CEO Regina Bertipaglia

To improve the efficacy and efficiency of the company’s social responsibility management system, Nastrificio Victor S.p.A has implemented a management system in accordance with the SA 8000 standard. The management of Nastrificio Victor S.p.A. is committed to ensuring that all business activities are conducted in conformity with:


The requisites of the SA 8000 standard,
Current laws that apply to the sector,
The provisions of the International Labour Organization conventions and the standards established by the UN regarding social responsibility.


In order to improve its collaborative relationships, Nastrificio Victor S.p.A strives to ensure that the principles of the standard are understood by all employees and by all of the suppliers/sub-suppliers and contractors/subcontractors involved in company activities.
The objectives of this measure are to:


Foster greater trust among users and social organizations, demonstrating a respect for ethical and social principles;
Improve relationships with institutions, facilitating interactions with authorities that oversee specific obligations (social security, assistance, safety and the environment);
Improve the corporate climate by fostering a greater involvement of the workers in achieving objectives relating to the improvement of working conditions;
View our suppliers as partners not only in the supply of goods/services, but also with respect to adopting shared ethics.

With this objective, Nastrificio Victor S.p.A has specific policies regarding the following social responsibility issues:

1. Child labour – the company does not use or support the use of child labour;
2. Forced labour – the company does not use or support the use of forced labour;
3. Health and safety – all workers are ensured a safe and healthy work environment;
4. Freedom of association – all workers enjoy the right to join unions;
5. Discrimination – no discrimination of any kind is practiced;
6. Disciplinary practices – physical punishment, physical and/or mental coercion and verbal and/or physical violence are not permitted;
7. Work hours – the provisions of applicable laws and national labour contracts are followed;
8. Compensation – workers are ensured adequate compensation commensurate with their skills.


In order to continually improve the performance of the system and fulfil the individual requirements of the standard, the management of Nastrificio Victor S.p.A. is committed to establishing and defining new, measurable and quantifiable social responsibility objectives. With this in mind, Nastrificio Victor S.p.A. encourages the implementation of the system through social responsibility communication, training and awareness activities and involves all personnel and stakeholders in formulating and actualizing suggestions for improvements.